Expand The Box Training
Never before has it been so important for human beings to upgrade the thoughtware we use to think with, and to activate our adulthood potentials through authentic adulthood initiatory processes.
Expand The Box is a three-to-five-day online-or-offline rapid learning environment.
Personal development, coaching, emotional healing, transformation, initiation, adulthood, personal growth, becoming more conscious and aware... what do these terms actually mean? How are they relevant to a 'happy' or 'successful' life?
Did you know you live in a Box? Who made the Box? What is in the Box? What is outside of the Box?
The Box is your childhood Survival Strategy, your cocoon, your chrysalis, the safe place where you can mature until you build enough Matrix in your Being to responsibly begin your Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes. Adulthood Initiations have no end... but they do have a beginning: the moment you set foot onto the archetypal evolutionary Path.
But initiations are banned by modern culture. What can you do about that?
The first Expand The Box training was delivered in March 1998 in Hamburg, Germany, by Clinton Callahan, coached by Bernhard Uhl and Thomas Bormann.
Since then, Expand The Box training has continued to evolve, deepen, and spread, until now it is offered by Possibility Management Trainers in many countries in Europe and the Americas.
In 2008 we were forced to recognize that Expand The Box training provides thoughtware upgrades for thriving in next culture - Archiarchy - the Earth-regenerating, nonmaterial-value, adulthood-initiation-centered, radical-responsibility culture emerging around the world now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
Participating in Expand The Box training suggests that you may be an 'Edgeworker', someone discovering that modern culture has exceeded its limitations, and dedicated to being a 'bridge' for the 'paradigm-shift' out of modern culture and into next culture - Archiarchy.
We have tried giving Expand The Box training away 'for free', but it never works. Participants need 'to pay' in order to make space inside their lives to receive the tremendous value delivered by Expand The Box training.
The standardized tuition for three-to-five-day Expand The Box training is a sliding-scale (meaning that the exact amount paid is determined by the participant themselves based on perceived value received) of 650 Euros to 950 Euros which includes local taxes, but does not include overnight or food costs. This amount is not converted to an equal amount in other currencies.
For full-time residents in various countries we use a 3 Tier Pricing Plan:
- RED TIER - Countries such as Germany, France, USA, UK. The tuition for the first Expand The Box is a sliding scale 650-950 Euros. The tuition investment for the second ETB is 400 Euros (half of the middle between 650 und 950 EUR), third ETB is 200 Euros, fourth ETB 100 Euros, from fifth ETB on, 0 Euros. The tuition for the Possibility Labs is a sliding scale 650-950 Euros.
- BLUE TIER - Countries such as Portugal, Italy, and Poland. The tuition for the first Expand The Box is a sliding scale 450-950 Euros. The tuition investment for the second ETB is 300 Euros, third ETB is 150 Euros, fourth ETB is 75 Euros, from fifth ETB on, 0 Euros. The tuition for the Possibility Labs is a sliding scale 450-950 Euros.
- YELLOW TIER - Countries such as Brazil, Turkey, Mexico, and Egypt. The investment for the first Expand The Box is a sliding scale 265-950 Euros. The tuition investment for the second ETB is 150 Euros, third ETB is 75 Euros, fourth ETB is 30 Euros, from fifth ETB on, 0 Euros. The tuition for the Possibility Labs is a sliding scale 265-950 Euros.
No matter how many days long the Expand The Box training is, or whether it is online or offline, the tuition is the same price.
Fully participating in an Expand The Box training is a required prerequisite for participating in ANY of the Possibility Labs.
The best way to register for Expand The Box training is to go to the Possibility Management Online Event Calendar, select which Expand The Box training you would like to participate in, and fill out the required registration information for that particular Expand The Box training.
Transportation, food, and lodging are additional costs from the training tuition.
During registration, the organizers will send you detailed logistical information regarding costs, arrival times, etc.
What happens? It takes five days to thoroughly answer this question!
In short, you are given opportunity after opportunity to upgrade the way that you think about things, accompanied by ongoing invitations to practice your new ways of thinking in real time.
School teaches you what to think about, in other words, it gives you the 'content' for your thinking. Expand The Box training 'upgrades' your 'thoughtware' so that you gain new Distinctions to think with. Each thoughtware upgrade opens up whole new worlds to think in.
Working in small Teams with clear feedback and real-time coaching, you gain a chance to leave behind the Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware learned from parents and school, and discover practical new contexts where you can create high value results.
We refer to Expand The Box training as 'transformation' because between off-loading the standard ordinary thoughtware and on-loading the extraordinary new upgraded thoughtware... there is no thoughtware at all, a moment of what we refer to as a 'Liquid State'. The Liquid State is the respected reorganization time when the way things are for you can truly change around. We have learned that if there is no Liquid State, there is no transformational change.
In addition to the Healing and Initiatory thoughtware upgrades, the overall objective of Expand The Box training - and the following Possibility Labs during Possibilitator Training - is to unleash and activate your personal potentials for delivering the Nonmaterial Value of your Archetypal Lineage to your village.
This often includes supporting you to Cavitate and inhabit new 'gameworld-space' in which Archiarchy can thrive - for example, as in a Bridge-House. Of course, deep healing, skill building, and authentic initiatory processes are part of your Path. This is why we created 'Possibilitator Training': so that you can find and accompany others who have similar interests in the evolutionary Path.
Expand The Box 'Apprentice Trainers'
These new 'Apprentice ETB Trainers' participate in Expand The Box trainings as part of their Possibilitator Trainer Path Specialty, preparing to deliver their solo Practice Expand The Box .
Their Handbook for this part of their Path is practiceexpandthebox.mystrikingly.com
Sophia Wegele
Trainer Path For Expand The Box Trainers
These Possibilitators are members of the Trainer Path Possibilitator Specialty developing their Trainer Skills during Possibilitator Training and Trainer Path Calls and meetings.
There are so many dynamic environments in which to build Trainer capacities, such as Rage Club, Rage Club Spaceholder Training, Fear Club, Fear Club Spaceholder Training, WorkTalks, Workshops, Possibility Coaching, Gremlin Transformation, Decontaminations, Study Groups, and your weekly Possibility Team. New Expand The Box Trainers are needed around the world now, more than ever before.
If being an Expand The Box Trainer seems exciting to you, please get into Possibilitator Training and explore the Trainer Path Specialty.
Gabriela Klara Kowalska
Expand The Box Trainer-Trainers (2024)
If the Possibilitator Training - Trainer Path Specialty Spaceholders propose that a Possibilitator who has the Possibility Trainer Specialty is ready to become an Expand The Box Apprentice Trainer,
then the ETB Apprentice Trainer proceeds to participate in 10 or more ADDITIONAL Expand The Box Trainings
with various ETB Trainers around the world as an Apprentice ETB Trainer.
Each Expand The Box Trainer gives the ETB Apprentice Trainer a wide variety of challenges and experiments to do, both inside and outside of Expand The Box Trainings.
If the challenges and experiments are well met,
and enough Matrix,
Nonlinear Space Navigation Skill,
Unreasonable Creation Force,
and Conscious Assholeness
is activated in the Expand The Box Apprentice Trainer,
the Expand The Box Apprentice Trainer is well connected with the other Trainers in the Trainer Path,
it is possible
but not guaranteed
that the POSSIBILITY MANAGEMENT TRAINER GUILD INFINITY RING TRAINER-TRAINER NODE will inform the ETB Apprentice Trainer that they are ready to deliver their Practice Expand The Box Training.
Shown below are the Possibility Lab Trainers who are currently qualified (2022) by the POSSIBILITY MANAGEMENT TRAINER GUILD INFINITY RING TRAINER-TRAINER NODE to sit at an Apprentice's Practice Expand The Box Training.
(NOTE: If you are currently an Expand The Box Trainer delivering Expand The Box Trainings,
and you are dedicated to spending a measurable amount of you time, energy, attention, and love to heal and unleash new Expand The Box Trainers,
please write to clinton at nextculture dot org. We would love to welcome you on our Team!)
Ana Norambuena
Anne-Chloé Destremau
Clinton Callahan
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code XPANDBOX.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!